Garnituri Garnishes PIURE DE CARTOFIcartofi, lapte, unt, sare, ulei MASHED POTATOES potatoes, milk, butter, salt, oil 10 RON 150g CARTOFI PRĂJIŢIcartofi, ulei, sare FRIED POTATOES potatoes, oil, salt 12 RON 150g CARTOFI COPŢIcartofi, unt, sare, pătrunjel BAKED POTATOES potatoes, butter, salt, parsley 13 RON 150g LEGUME LA GRĂTARdovlecel, ardei gras, ceapă, roşie, vânătă GRILLED VEGETABLES zucchini, bell pepper, onion, tomato, eggplant 14 RON 200g SOTE DE LEGUMEmorcovi, broccoli, ardei, ceapă, vânătă, ulei, sare SAUTEED VEGETABLES carrots, broccoli, peppers, onions, eggplant, oil, salt 14 RON 150g CARTOFI WEDGEScartofi, sweet chilly, miere, boia, usturoi, ulei, pătrunjel, sare, susan POTATOES WEDGES potatoes, sweet chilli, honey, paprika, garlic, oil, parsley, salt, sesame 15 RON 150g CARTOFI COPŢI CU ROZMARINcartofi, ulei de măsline, rozmarin, usturoi, sare, piper BAKED POTATOES WITH ROSEMARY potatoes, olive oil, rosemary, garlic, salt, pepper 15 RON 150g CARTOFI DAUPHINOISEcartofi, lapte, ou, nucşoară, usturoi, sare, piper DAUPHINOISE POTATOES potatoes, milk, eggs, nutmeg, garlic, salt, pepper 19 RON 150g PIURE DE CARTOFI CU TRUFEcartofi, lapte, unt, sare, ulei, pastă de trufe MASHED POTATOES WITH TRUFFLES potatoes, milk, butter, salt, oil, truffle paste 21 RON 150g OREZ NEGRU CU TRUFEorez negru, unt, sare, piper BLACK RICE WITH TRUFFLES black rice, butter, salt, pepper 22 RON 150g